“No War With Syria” Rallies Worldwide, Saturday, August 31

There is a global movement of activists launching a rally on Saturday August 31st in every city and town in the world.  The plan of action is to protest the illegal and unconstitutional war with Syria.  Show your support by inviting as many people as you can and going out to the rally in your area this Saturday, Aug. 31st.

How to Promote the “No War With Syria” Rallies

Go to the FB search bar and search for ‘No War With Syria Rally (your city)’ example: No War With Syria Rally San Diego

Join the event, invite ALL of your friends to join it as well, then get involved with the locals that are already in the event page to help them any way you can.

*If there is no event page made for your location yet, please make one.

  1. Simply click on your event tab from your FB homepage
  2. Click create an event
  3. Name the event ‘No War With Syria Rally (your city)’ example: No War With Syria Rally San Diego
  4. Make sure you set the privacy to public so other people can find it when they search for it
  5. Pick a central and relevant location and start time for your area(please make it on Saturday August 31st)
  6. Invite ALL of your friends and encourage everyone else to invite their friends as well and do whatever else you can to let people know about the rally
  7. Try to get some volunteers together to make banners to do some canvassing on Friday the night before your rally. Contact the local overpass light brigade or set one up yourself. Make signs.
  8. Pass out flyers in the days leading up to your rally, if you can’t afford them, ask for some donations. Some local businesses may also be willing to help you out with printing
  9. Contact other activist groups in your area for help(occupy groups, anti-war groups, veterans for peace groups, code pink, civil liberty groups etc)
  10. Contact local media and let them know about your rally. Focus on independent journalists in your area.
  11. Set up a hashtag for your march and use it on FB, Twitter, and Instagram
  12. The rest is up to your discretion to handle locally.

The time to change the world and stop the war is now. Share this information with anyone and everyone you know, thousands of innocent lives depend on it.

This notice has been posted all over the internet, please help to pass the word along.


Ben Affleck and Miley Cyrus Trending Over Syria News

Ben Affleck is the new Batman? Miley Cyrus twerking? Is this really what’s trending? Is this what motivates people? The coverage of these celebrity incidences is clearly excessive. It seems as though people are gossiping more about television, pop culture and sexual exploitation than the chemical attacks killing hundreds of people and the Obama Administration preparing to attack Syria. Isn’t the possibility of a world war 3 just a bit more important than who is being glorified in front of the camera?

If the celebrity announcements were designed to be a distraction, then making Ben Affleck the new Batman sure got a lot of people’s attention.  Did they choose Ben Affleck for the part specifically to drive all the geeks crazy?  And for others, Miley Cyrus’ twerking seems to be working to get their thoughts, words, and actions away from what really matters and focused on useless trivia.

Google Trends shows far more searches for Ben Affleck and Miley Cyrus than Syria News.

Miley Cyrus Twerking

Competition vs. Creativity

In our culture, we’ve been taught from an early age that we need to compete for what we want.  We’ve been socially conditioned to believe that we have to be better than everyone else to be a winner in life.  The truth is, when we’re working towards our goals, whether it’s attracting a romantic interest, making money, or physical fitness, there are two mindsets: The competitive mindset based on scarcity and the creative mindset based on abundance.  The competitive frame is one of ego, and the creative frame is one of selflessness.

Different Interpretations of Reality

Our perceptions are based on the information coming in through our five senses, and our interpretations of the experiences and events in our lives is everything!  Everyone interprets life through their own filters.  The way people interpret reality is generally influenced by their past experiences. People can fall into the scarcity mindset without even realizing it because of previous trauma which causes them to react with negativity often in situations that don’t warrant it.  People who seem jaded have often had bad experiences that they formed limiting beliefs around.  They simply haven’t taken the time to reprogram themselves.

That’s why we retrain our minds through positive affirmations, hypnosis, meditation etc.  People who have lived privileged, successful, or wealthy lives thus far are more likely to have positive expectations, and therefore, they tend to keep getting the results they want.  The rich get richer, because they have a positive attitude that hasn’t been clouded by past failures.

The Competitive Mindset

One of the main problems with the competitive frame of mind is that it often manifests as a superiority complex, arrogance, jealousy, envy, and insecurity.  Remember, no matter how good you are there is always someone better.  Feeling the need to be the best is coming from a lower state of consciousness. Comparing ourselves to others and trying to one-up them all the time is based on an ego-based limited perspective. When criticism enters the picture, it’s often based on the competitive frame of mind.  People see what you’ve created and feel envious, or they compare what you’ve done to what someone else has done.  Competition is all about trying to get ahead.  Competing is a taking energy highlighted by the saying, “Whoever eats the fastest gets the most.”

The Creative Mindset

When we approach life from the frame of creativity, we see everything from a different prospective.  We do it for the fun of the process focusing on what we love.  Creativity comes from a place of abundance, and from a belief that there is more than enough to go around.  Creativity provides value. Creativity is independent of the opinions of other people.  Break the mould!  Do you think Vincent van Gogh was trying to be better than anyone else when he painted Starry Night?  He did it out of love.  Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.  The only person you should ever try to be better than is yourself.  Creativity comes from the heart, and it’s a giving energy.  It’s the essence of generosity.  When we look at the big picture from a state of higher consciousness, it’s not about being the best; it’s about doing our best.  Do what you love.