How would you like to learn to use the talent you already have within you to make extra bits of cash anytime you want to? Seem like some sort of “scam” or “pipe dream”? Well, it isn’t. People all across the world do it every single day. And now is your chance to discover what they’re doing and use it to your own money making benefit!
It’s no secret that the Internet is a virtual “hot bed” of information. Millions of people go “info-cruising” every day just to find helpful information. And, many of those people are willing to pay for that information. But, where do you find these people? And how can you ensure they will buy your information?
In Writing For Fast Cash, author [Your Name] reveals how to find a “hot” topic, a “hot” market, and how to combine the two into instantaneous profits by doing something you probably do all the time!
Writing is such a simple way to earn money, you may just bust-a-gut laughing once you read this easy-to-understand-and-implement guide. It is astounding how many people striving to earn money online overlook this! They are always searching for the “easy way out” when it comes to selling things from the comfort of their homes when all the while the easiest and most logical way is right under their noses!
Writing For Fast Cash will tell you all you need to know when it comes to “publishing your way to profits”. When you secure your copy today, you will uncover:
To be quite honest with you, this is one guide you must have if you ever want to earn fast cash with any information product. Especially mastering the art of creating the one kind that will almost always make you profits. Your Own!
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Ever hear the saying, “Don’t cry over spilled milk?” It means a lot more than may be initially apparent. Often times, people beat themselves up over insignificant mistakes or shortcomings. Sometimes people have a single seemingly negative experience that causes them to form a limiting belief about themselves or the world which hinders their success. These people often appear bitter, jaded or insecure. All it takes is a small shift in thinking to transform their lives. One might tell themselves, “I’m so clumsy! I can’t do anything right.” or they can simply clean the mess and have more positive self-talk like, “It’s okay. That milk was probably going sour anyway.”
In each moment, we are perceiving reality through the lens of our senses, and the way we choose to interpret it is completely unique to who we are and what we believe from past experiences. If you’re speaking and some dude walks out of the room, you might take it personally and think, “He must be bored by what I’m saying. I must be boring,” or you can have a more optimistic outlook and think, “He must really have to pee, because what I’m saying is awesome.”
Focus on becoming aware of any negative belief patterns that surface in various situations, and take time to remember the earliest event that triggered you to think that way. Then, you can look for evidence to disprove the negative beliefs. For example, if you think you’re too fat to get a girlfriend, look for examples of fat men who have girlfriends. The more you prove to yourself that your fears are irrational, the easier it will be to switch to a more confident mindset.
Ever since the movie “The Secret” came out, the idea that you create your reality has been spreading like wildfire, and whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, hopefully now you can at least see how you create your experience of reality which dramatically affects your actions and results. If you don’t believe something is possible for you, the motivation to strive for it will be nonexistent. Keep an open mind, and practice seeing things from different perspectives. If someone is feeling upset, see if you can say something that reframes what’s bothering them and shines a more positive light. Find ways of seeing your supposed weaknesses as strengths. If you feel awkward approaching people in social situations, and think you might be viewed as an annoyance, you might reframe it by flipping the script and thinking something like, “I’m awesome, and all these people want me to approach them.”
Joe asked God, “How much is a penny worth in Heaven?”
God replied, “$1 million.”
Joe asked, “How long is a minute in Heaven?”
God said, “1 million years.”
Joe asked for a penny.
God said, “Sure, in a minute.”
“Aaron T. Beck developed cognitive therapy in the 1960s. Beck worked with patients that had been diagnosed with depression, and found that negative thoughts would come into minds of these patients. Beck helped his patients recognize the impact of their negative thoughts, and aided them in shifting their mindset to think more positively—eventually lessening or even getting rid of the patient’s depression. This process was termed cognitive restructuring – the main goal of which was to rethink negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts“
Affirmations can have an affect on our confidence levels, and plant motivating seeds in our subconscious to help us walk the path of success. Thoughts, words, and feelings are very real and have energy. If we are negative in our orientation then we can miss opportunities without even realizing it, but through the use of affirmations we can start to reprogram the mind to seize these once in a lifetime potential realities. Here are 20 affirmations to open up vibrationally to receiving money. Repeat them daily for the best results.
Here are 25 of the best Bob Marley quotes. The man who needs no introduction. He was one of the most revolutionary individuals of his time, and his message lives on.
– Bob Marley
WordPress is a great platform to get started with your own blog. Many hosting providers offer 1 click install or will install it for you for free. Make sure to use the self hosted wordpress installation, because it gives you way more options for customization.
You will need a domain name and hosting. Do some research and find a domain name that resonates with you. Keep SEO in mind as you choose it. I recommend registering your domain and hosting with Dreamhost, because it’s excellent service for a reasonable price, and the support is great!
You can use a template provided by the wordpress community, although sooner or later you may want to make your design more customized. If you’re already an expert designer then great, but if not then you may want to consider checking out some portfolios to see who can create the type of website design you’re looking for. Make sure your web designer has integrity. It might just be that you need a great logo, background, and some plugin configuration. Just start asking questions, and you’re sure to find all the answers you need. Just remember, you get what you pay for. The best designers aren’t cheap, and they shouldn’t be. They do this for a living after all, so take your designer as seriously as you take your business. Pay them well, and let them do what they’re best at. Don’t micro-manage. Give some direction, and take a step back.
No matter what your blog’s niche is, content is king. Focus on the quality of your posts, and you will see great results. The better the content is the more likely people are to refer others to you. Nothing beats free advertising, and word of mouth is the best that money can’t buy. Nobody wants to share content that seems rushed, so take your time to make your blog posts impactful. One of your posts just might go viral, and generate loads of free traffic. If you don’t know how to write your own content consider hiring ghost writers or working out deals in exchange for a link back.
Slow and steady wins the race, although blogging really isn’t a competition. Just be creative, and challenge yourself to come up with new and interesting content on a regular basis. Consider it a mental exercise. The easiest thing to do is nothing, although procrastination won’t get you anywhere. Break whatever your task is into manageable pieces, and start taking steps however small they may be.
The more ways you go about this the better. There are many for those who see opportunities. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.
Write a book, record an audio or video program. These can be sold on your blog for whatever price you want,
You can either use third party ads such as google adsense, or you can sell your own ads for whatever price you want. Create a subscription based plan, and watch the money flow in.
Offer a members only area of your site with specialized VIP benefits, an eZine, insider information, private community, downloads or new content. Charge a monthly or yearly subscription fee.
Use a company such as LinkShare to join affiliate programs, start selling third party products and services on your blog, and let the money avalanche begin.
The real key is to create multiple streams of residual income. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket as they say. Be diverse in your money making endeavors, and create a marketing plan that works. Everyone has to start somewhere, so work with what you’ve got, and focus on the opportunities. Don’t let other people tell you that you can’t do it. They can’t do it because they think they can’t. Anyone with the will and motivation to succeed can do it with persistent efforts in the right direction.
John Chow’s keynote presentation to the SATW in Germany. If you want to know the secret to successful blogging, you must watch the video.