Quality Vs. Quantity

ceramics-1189489I was recently inspired by the following excerpt from the book, Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking:

The ceramics teacher announced he was dividing his class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right graded solely on its quality.

His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would weigh the work of the “quantity” group: 50 pounds of pots rated an A, 40 pounds a B, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot – albeit a perfect one – to get an A.

Well, come grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity!

It seems that while the “quantity” group was busily churning out piles of work – and learning from their mistakes – the “quality” group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.

What I got from this case study is that striving for quality is important, although it is through trial and error that we reach higher quality. We have to allow ourselves to fail. Producing quantity forces us to experiment, and this in turn leads us to improving and evolving our methodology. It really reflects the old saying, “Practice makes perfect.”

I’m not saying release a bunch of crap haphazardly, but experimenting a lot during the process of production gives you many ideas to potentially incorporate into the final result. It’s all about learning from our mistakes, and not being afraid of failure. It’s the tried and true method.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Remember to Always be yourself. Unless…

Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck. –Joss Whedon

Always Be Yourself?

It’s funny when people tell you to “always be yourself.” How could you possibly be anybody else? Does that mean that you ought to just settle for being how you are instead of striving for greatness? It’s okay to be yourself, but if you aren’t where you want to be, then perhaps you should try something a little different.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Living Up to Your Own Expectations

So if you start to think that you suck at life, that’s okay. It’s perfectly natural not live up to your own expectations, but let that be a motivator to strive for excellence. Be the best possible version of yourself. There’s always room to grow.

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

In order to be the best possible version of yourself, it’s necessary to practice taking action in ways that may not feel comfortable. If you find yourself being lazy, do something about it! Social pressure can cause you to go into your shell. You have to make a conscious effort in the beginning to step outside your comfort zone until it becomes a habit. Talk to strangers. Be adventurous.

Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others is not healthy. It can lead to intense feelings of fear, anger or sadness. I think that’s one of the big reasons people say to always be yourself, but we don’t have to compare ourselves to others in order to learn from them. We can observe and admire someone without letting those feelings turn into envy or jealousy. Life is not a popularity contest.

Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself

Yes, it’s a good idea to be honest with yourself, and it’s good to admit when you are not as great as you want to be. However, don’t be discouraged by your current situation. Keep practicing to better yourself. You will never be perfect in every way, but you will learn to be better than you were yesterday.


5 Tips to Simplify Our Busy Lives

We live in a busy world where we are frequently bombarded with information. It’s easy for us to be distracted from what we really want or need to be giving our attention. Here are five straight forward tips for filtering out the noise of every day life and becoming focused on what really matters.


Focusing on the Breath

Sometimes when we take on too much, we notice ourselves holding our breath. One of the best ways to bring our awareness into the present moment is through mindful breathing. Take slow, deep and deliberate breaths in and out while clearing the mind and relaxing completely. This helps to ground us back into the body instead of being overly concerned with thoughts about the past or future. It’s good to practice slowing down and concentrating on the breath for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. Then we can get back to whatever we were doing with more energy, presence and focus.

Limiting Unwanted Distractions

Social media is continually notifying us to log in to see what our friends, family and colleagues are doing. We also often set reminders for ourselves on our phones or calendars. Sometimes we get added to email lists that we never even signed up for. With all the advertising, popup windows and ringtones bombarding us every day it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Taking a few minutes a day to turn off annoying notifications, close browser tabs, turn off annoying ringtones etc. can buy us future peace of mind.


Prioritizing Our To Do List

Making a to do list is a great way to get more done, although it can also cause us to take on more than we can handle at once. A long list of tasks can cause us lose focus and get less done than if we were to simplify. The best way to simplify our list is to prioritize. Go down the list comparing the importance of just two items at a time. Then you can move list items up or down accordingly. Choose only three tasks to complete in a day. Keep it simple by narrowing it down to what will make you feel most accomplished that day. Checking items off the list is also a good practice. We must not forget to acknowledge ourselves for the hard work we do.


Practicing Time Management

Commit to doing one thing at a time. It’s tempting to multitask, although Earl Miller, a neuroscientist at MIT and one of the world experts on divided attention, says that our brains are “not wired to multitask well… When people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching from one task to another very rapidly. And every time they do, there’s a cognitive cost in doing so.”¹ Did you know that the average person gets one interruption every eight minutes, or approximately seven an hour, or 50-60 per day. The average interruption takes five minutes, totaling about four hours or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as “little value” or “no value” creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.²

HoarderRemoving Excess Clutter

This is something that many people struggle with. If you’ve ever watched the TV show, Hoarders – Buried Alive, then you’ve seen some of the horror stories of people with homes full of garbage collected over the years. They are so attached to the most random stuff. Looking at the worst cases is rather disturbing and disgusting. Who wants to be that dysfunctional? At some point we have to ask ourselves is this serving me? Why am I holding on? If you have a really solid reason then great, although more often than not we come up with silly justifications to hold on to our junk. You can start small by letting go of one item per week. Sell it, give it away, recycle it or toss it. You will feel better, and then you will have more room for organizing the things that are truly important.



  1. Why the Modern World is Bad for Your Brain
  2. Time Management Facts and Figures

In Loving Memory of Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru EmotoDr. Masaru Emoto born July 22, 1943 (age 71) passed away peacefully with his wife by his side in Tokyo, Japan early this morning (October 17th, 2014).

His last word was “Arigato”. (“Thank you” in Japanese).

Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends from all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.

He used to say, “Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension”. So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.

Most people first heard of Dr. Emoto in 2004 when the hit movie, “What The Bleep Do We Know?” was released. The documentary is about quantum physics and the power of intention. In the documentary, Dr. Emoto’s findings on the transformative influence of intention is demonstrated:

Dr. Emoto’s book “The Hidden Messages in Water” became a New York Times bestseller. This book illustrates his discovery that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving intention shows vibrant, intricate, and beautiful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative intent, forms broken, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

“The words themselves actually emit a unique vibration that the water is sensing. When water is shown a written word, it receives it as vibration, and expresses the message in a specific form, like a visual code for expressing words. Water exposed to words Thank you formed beautiful geometric crystals, no matter what the language. But water exposed to you fool and other degrading words resulted in obviously broken and deformed crystals. When a complete geometric crystal is formed, water is in alignment with nature and the phenomena we call life. The words gratitude and love form the fundamental principles of the laws of nature and the phenomenon of life.”

– Dr. Masaru Emoto

Thank You Water Crystal











Another one of the most famous and controversial experiments Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted was labeling rice and repeating both negative and positive phrases to them daily such as “Thank you” and “You fool” in Japanese with interesting results. The rice that was thanked was shown to ferment, and the rice that was hated turned black. The rice that was ignored simply rotted.

Have you done the rice experiment? Share your results with us in the comments.

We will leave you with just a few of the best Masaru Emoto quotes:

“What we imagine in our minds becomes our world.”

“Existence is vibration. When we separate something into its smallest parts, we always enter a strange world where all that exists is particles and waves. The fact that everything is in a state of vibration also means that everything is creating sound. And as sound is created, there is a master listener to receive the sound: water. Why would crystal formation be affected by music, and why completely different results would be reached depending on the spoken and written words water was exposed to. Water, so sensitive to the unique frequencies emitted by the world, essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world. Music and spoken words are vibration; they are easily understood and interpreted by just about anyone. Sounds like the chant created by a human voice at a Buddhist funeral create a healing frequency.”

“Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world.”

– Masaru Emoto

The Only 3 Great Exercises You Need

I’ve been going to the gym 3 days a week for the last 6 months, and I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve never given the gym a chance before, but I have a great personal trainer who has shown me the key exercises to build muscle fast. I notice a huge difference in how I feel. My self-confidence is through the roof, and I can feel muscles in my body that I never even paid attention to before. So without further ado, here are the top three exercises I recommend that anyone can do whether they have access to a gym or not.

1. Squats

This is one of the best possible exercises you can do to strengthen your core. I always do three sets of five with as much weight as I can handle for building muscle, and I go as low as I can keeping my weight on my heels. You can also do more reps with less weight if you’re going for burning calories. As a variation, you can do dead-lifts instead if you have access to a barbell.

2. Push-ups

Doing three sets of as many push-ups as you can handle will get your arms in shape fast. Keep dong them until you can’t push yourself up anymore. Wait 2-3 minutes, then do it again. Remember, if you feel any unusual pain don’t force yourself to keep going.

3. Pull-ups

Find a stable bar and do three sets of as many pull-ups as you can handle. Spread your hands further apart to target your back muscles more. This will make a huge difference if you keep it up. I went from barely being able to do 5 the first set to now being able to do about 11 in just six months.

 In Conclusion

These three exercises will give you a toned and muscular body relatively quickly if you keep your goal in mind and do them consistently. Like I said, I work-out with variations of these three exercises 3 days a week, and it only takes about 20-30 minutes. No matter how bad I might feel before hand, I always feel so much better afterward from all the endorphins that are released. It’s truly amazing!


Disclaimer: Consult your doctor to make sure exercise is right for you. 😉

Top 10 Brain Health Tips by Dr. Michael S. Trayford

While there are many “Top 10” lists out there, this is a list I have compiled based on years of literature review and firsthand experience in clinical neurological practice.  While no list is ever complete and priorities and orders of importance change with the literature and time; these are, in my opinion, the top 10 ways you can help your brain perform at its maximum potential…in no particular order.  While we offer many advanced applications for boosting brain performance, these are tools that every one of us has at our disposal and can begin to implement immediately.

1) Get plenty of sleep – While there is no definitive number of hours proven to be the best for humans, it is suggested by most experts that a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep be observed by most.  Care should be taken to remove any barriers to achieving and maintaining sleep from the bedroom (i.e. TVs, computers, excess light, poor quality/old beds, etc.).  Among other things, memories are formed when we sleep and improved quality and duration of sleep can stave off cognitive decline due to aging.  Click here for a New York Times article on impaired sleep and memory decline.

2) Manage your stress – Stress, namely the long-term continuous stressors many of us face on a day to day basis (e.g. jobs, relationships, traffic, finances, etc.), and the ill-effects it brings on are touted as the root cause of the majority of chronic diseases of our modern society.  There are countless techniques available to us to help us manage stress including meditation, journaling, counseling, prayer, yoga, NLP, Tai Chi, etc., and they all have their distinct advantages with regard to helping our brains perform better.  The majority of the research on stress reduction and the brain has been done in the area of meditation.  Click here for a link to a great book written on meditation and its amazing impact on brain function.

3) Exercise – We all know we should do it and we need to ‘Make the Time’ instead of trying to ‘Find the Time’.  The evidence is irrefutable; exercise makes your brain work better…period!  From increased blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients to our ‘Greedy Master’, to production of chemicals that help us connect nerve cells and even grow new ones; we all need to exercise.  Click here for a link to my blog post on a phenomenal book that will teach you everything you want to know about this subject.

4) Drink plenty of WATER – Notice the word water is capitalized!  While the occasional naturally flavored drink of your choice is fine, water should be your main source of hydration as it will eliminate intake of sugars, sugar substitutes, artificial flavors/colors, etc. that can all be harmful to your brain.  Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water content and our brains are even higher at upwards of 70-80%.  General recommendations for intake are currently accepted by many to be 1/2 of your body weight in oz. of water per day (e.g. 140 lbs = 70 oz.).

5) Eat the right kind of fat – Another area where our brain requires more, and the right kind of, raw materials is fat consumption.  Under normal circumstances our bodies are comprised 20-25% fat and our brains approximately 60%.  While I am unable to get into the biochemistry of fats in this limited space, adhering to a few simple rules can help get you off to a good start.  Avoid at all costs processed, man-made fats that fall under the general heading of ‘Trans Fats’.  These are dangerous for our brains and bodies in so many ways, many of which we do not even know yet.  Also, minimizing saturated fat intake is advisable for most (e.g. red meats, butters, etc.).  Poly and monounsaturated fats found in whole food sources (nuts, vegetable oils, greens, etc.) and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and other whole food sources are desirable for a better brain.  Click here for a recent article on fats and your brain.

6) Learn something new – Exercise for your brain!  Learning new subjects, skills and hobbies can help to preserve and build your brain’s resources to ensure it functions at its highest ability as we move through this journey of life.  Novel stimulation has been shown to enhance brain activity immeasurably; whereas routine, monotonous type behaviors will likely ensure a slow, steady decline in cognitive function over time.  Google ‘Learning and the Brain’ and sift through the 132 million results for some light reading to begin the process of learning and remember…We are NEVER too old to learn!

7)  Eat your fruits and veggies – The benefits of REAL/WHOLE foods in our diets is endless, especially fruits and vegetables.  They are low-calorie and loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, good sugars and fiber; which are all good for our brain.  So many of our foods are far from their original source, so begin to learn (which is also good for your brain) about the dangers of processed and genetically modified foods and you will begin to develop an appreciation for fresh, whole foods that power your brain much more efficiently!

8) Be social – Much to my dismay this tip is often left off of many “Top 10” brain health lists and could quite possibly be one of the most important factors for a brain to be able to survive and thrive!  Numerous studies over the past 100 years have shown how social isolation can cause significant psychological and neurological impairment, and even death in extreme cases.  Social isolation disrupts myelin production, which is critical for nerve signaling and transmission.  Volunteer, join a book club or service organization, take a class, walk the neighborhood and talk to your neighbors…put yourself out there – your brain will thank you!  Click here to read more on social isolation and decreased myelin production.

9) Eliminate bad habits – Drinking, smoking, laziness, poor diet, worry, anger, sedentary behavior, dangerous physical activities, etc…Need I say more?

10) Set goals and move towards them – Our brain’s ‘reward system’ is intimately linked to our older emotional (limbic) brain on one end, and our newer cognitive (cortical) brain on the other.  That said, to help balance and improve function in either of these regions, exercising our reward system is a critical step in the process.  Further, the neurotransmitter dopamine is a key player in this system and it is increased with repetitive utilization of this system (this is the same neurotransmitter in short supply in conditions like Parkinson’s!).  Goals must be realistic and attainable, but also strong enough to stretch our mental capacities for optimal benefit!

~Please enjoy, feel free to comment, share with others; and, most importantly, put these to good use!~

Dr. Michael S. Trayford

The Power of Reframing

Ever hear the saying, “Don’t cry over spilled milk?” It means a lot more than may be initially apparent. Often times, people beat themselves up over insignificant mistakes or shortcomings. Sometimes people have a single seemingly negative experience that causes them to form a limiting belief about themselves or the world which hinders their success.  These people often appear bitter, jaded or insecure. All it takes is a small shift in thinking to transform their lives. One might tell themselves, “I’m so clumsy! I can’t do anything right.” or they can simply clean the mess and have more positive self-talk like, “It’s okay. That milk was probably going sour anyway.”

In each moment, we are perceiving reality through the lens of our senses, and the way we choose to interpret it is completely unique to who we are and what we believe from past experiences. If you’re speaking and some dude walks out of the room, you might take it personally and think, “He must be bored by what I’m saying. I must be boring,” or you can have a more optimistic outlook and think, “He must really have to pee, because what I’m saying is awesome.”

Focus on becoming aware of any negative belief patterns that surface in various situations, and take time to remember the earliest event that triggered you to think that way. Then, you can look for evidence to disprove the negative beliefs. For example, if you think you’re too fat to get a girlfriend, look for examples of fat men who have girlfriends. The more you prove to yourself that your fears are irrational, the easier it will be to switch to a more confident mindset.

Ever since the movie “The Secret” came out, the idea that you create your reality has been spreading like wildfire, and whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, hopefully now you can at least see how you create your experience of reality which dramatically affects your actions and results. If you don’t believe something is possible for you, the motivation to strive for it will be nonexistent. Keep an open mind, and practice seeing things from different perspectives. If someone is feeling upset, see if you can say something that reframes what’s bothering them and shines a more positive light. Find ways of seeing your supposed weaknesses as strengths. If you feel awkward approaching people in social situations, and think you might be viewed as an annoyance, you might reframe it by flipping the script and thinking something like, “I’m awesome, and all these people want me to approach them.”

Joe asked God, “How much is a penny worth in Heaven?”

God replied, “$1 million.”

Joe asked, “How long is a minute in Heaven?”

God said, “1 million years.”

Joe asked for a penny.

God said, “Sure, in a minute.”

“Aaron T. Beck developed cognitive therapy in the 1960s. Beck worked with patients that had been diagnosed with depression, and found that negative thoughts would come into minds of these patients. Beck helped his patients recognize the impact of their negative thoughts, and aided them in shifting their mindset to think more positively—eventually lessening or even getting rid of the patient’s depression. This process was termed cognitive restructuring – the main goal of which was to rethink negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts


11 Things to Do If You’re Bored

“Only those who want everything done for them are bored.”
– Billy Graham

Are you bored?  What’s the matter?  No sex, drugs or rock n roll? Do you feel like the world owes you something?  No, we’re not just here for your entertainment.  Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and entertain yourself.  Better yet, why not go out of your way to entertain someone else.  Become interested in the world around you.  See beyond the surface level mundane reality, and you will never be bored.  Are you really bored, or do you have too much free time or not enough appreciation?

Here are 11 suggestions of ways to cure boredom:

  1. Meditation
    There’s nothing like some meditation to make you feel your connection to the earth, the moment, and your true self.  If you’re bored, perhaps it’s because you’re not really in touch with who you are or what you want.
  2. Cleaning
    If you’re bored from lack of anything to do then there’s no more excuse.  You have the free time required to get some long procrastinated chores out of the way.  You might even consider helping others.
  3. Artwork
    Creating art is a great way to forget about the troubles of the day or give them an outlet of expression.  If you’re bored, creating art may help to get you back in the mindset of contributing to the world around you instead of feeling entitled to entertainment.
  4. Cooking
    Everyone has to eat.  If you have time to be bored then you have time to make something healthful.  Eating foods full of life force energy leads to a healthier mind and body resulting in more inspiration and happiness.  If you eat junk food then you will most likely have less energy and concede to boredom.
  5. Walking
    Get out and breathe some fresh air, and get some exercise.  The better you feel, the less bored you’ll be, and walking boosts endorphins which will surely brighten your mood.
  6. Reading
    Pick up a book and read.  In this age of information we are flooded with videos, images, articles etc.  Sometimes it’s best to just unplug from electronics and get back to the basics.  Reading affirmations can also help to alleviate boredom.
  7. Writing
    Grab a pen, and just start writing anything that’s on your mind.  Start noticing the patterns, and you can rewrite your story to be however you want it to be.
  8. Visualization
    Take a few minutes to imagine the kind of life you’d like to live.  See yourself smiling and enjoying the life of your dreams.  Once you’re done, see if there are any steps you can take to move towards actualizing them.
  9. Self Reflection
    When you’re alone, it’s a good to review your thoughts and feelings.  See if you can find the blessings in situations that may be challenging, consider ways to improve yourself, contemplate what you’re grateful for.
  10. Yoga
    Are you bored or lazy?  Get off your ass and stretch!
  11. Socialize
    Practice talking to people even if it feels awkward.  It will get easier the more you do it.


Share your thoughts in the comments.   What makes people bored?  What’s your cure for boredom?

Boycott Walmart This Black Friday

“Walmart made $17 billion dollars last year. They can well afford to pay us over the poverty line.”
– Givens Thomas1

Boycott Walmart and other corporate giants.  They are planning to open on Thanksgiving Day this year including Kmart, Target, Macy’s, JcPenny’s, Sears, Kohl’s, Staples, Whole Foods, and Best Buy1.  Many of them for the first time ever.

It’s astonishing the amount of greed and lack of family values these companies have.  They don’t seem to care about their workers’ low wages.  It’s all about keeping their stocks up. Walmart full-time employees are pushing for a minimum of $25,000 a year which is just above the poverty line1.  Walmart is actually having a food drive to feed its under paid employees1.  All they care about is making as much money as possible.  People are outraged, and it’s all over twitter:


The 6 Walton heirs own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of Americans2.   Of course they could afford to pay their employees a little more.  If you work full-time then you shouldn’t be living in poverty.  We need to raise the minimum wage in this country.  Walmart even takes out insurance on their own employees to make money off their deaths.  Walmart buys merchandise super cheap from China and puts local Americans out of business with their low prices and slave wages4.

Every dollar we spend is a vote for the kind of world we want to live in, and many people are tired of living in a world controlled by corporate greed.  It’s time to start putting our money where it counts, because without consumers these companies are worthless.  Stay informed about where your money is going, and buy local whenever possible.

Time and time again, when Walmart workers have come together to call on the company to address low wages, erratic schedules, paltry benefits, and unacceptable working conditions, the company has attempted to silence or outright fire them. In fact, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently announced it’s pursuing a rare national complaint against Walmart for retaliating against and threatening more than 100 workers.

As Black Friday approaches, chinks in the company’s armor are starting to mount. We need to stand together and make our voices heard so that Walmart obeys the law and does right by its employees. Will you join me in demanding that Walmart comply with federal law and stop intimidating workers?5

“It’s like Scrooge posing as Mother Teresa.”
– Robert Reich (U.C. Berkeley Professor3)



  1. Thanksgiving Shopping Boycotts: Blowback Against Walmark, Target, Kmart, Macy’s for Earlier Black Friday Deals | International Business Times
  2. Bernie Sanders says Walmart heirs own more wealth than bottom 40 percent of Americans | Politifact
  3. Nationwide Walmart Boycott to Start Black Friday | KTVU
  4. Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices
  5. Walmart Is Not Above the Law




GoldieBlox Creates Non-stereotypical Games for Girls

“At GoldieBlox, our goal is to get girls building. We’re here to help level the playing field in every sense of the phrase.”

– www.goldieblox.com

A Stanford Engineer, Debbie Sterling, seems to have discovered a big part of the reason why there aren’t as many female engineers, programmers, etc.  Most of the toys designed for girls are pink and stereotypical.  Boys get to play with Legos, trains, and construction toys while girls are stuck with pink princess stuff and Barbies.

Debbie started designing toys to build more spatial awareness among other skills required in today’s workplace.  It seems her ideas break the mould of what society tells us it means to be a woman, and offers young women tools to build a new mental makeup, and become the engineers of the future.

“Broadening children’s interests doesn’t mean girls shouldn’t aspire to be feminine. GoldieBlox, which makes interactive games, uses a cute blonde as its logo. But her blonde isn’t a Barbie who sits around and waits for Ken. It’s a blonde who is building cool things.”

– Business Insider

GoldieBlox even made a video that’s gone viral which is a parody of the Beastie Boys’ song, Girls.

Watch the music video:

The Lyrics:

You think you know what we want, girls.
Pink and pretty it’s girls.
Just like the 50’s it’s girls.

You like to buy us pink toys
and everything else is for boys
and you can always get us dolls
and we’ll grow up like them… false.

It’s time to change.
We deserve to see a range.
‘Cause all our toys look just the same
and we would like to use our brains.

We are all more than princess maids.

Girls to build the spaceship,
Girls to code the new app,
Girls to grow up knowing
they can engineer that.

That’s all we really need is Girls.
To bring us up to speed it’s Girls.
Our opportunity is Girls.
Don’t underestimate Girls.